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No hold-ups during baling
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Technical information

Dealing with twine snags

When you’re linking the spools in a twine box, it takes a lot of time. So, it’s better to do it correctly to prevent issues! Connecting the spools creates a flatter knot that can smoothly go through the twine guides and tensioners.

Technical information

Uneven twine at the start of a spool

Sometimes, the first 10-20 meters of twine from a spool may look uneven and kinked. This is normal and happens because of how the twine is made and wound onto the spool before packaging. When you pull the twine tight, it straightens out. As the twine moves towards the knotting part, it goes through tensioning with spring clamps in the twine box and twine brakes just before the knotter. These brakes need to be set at a specific tension. When done right, the twisted twine won’t cause any issues!

Technical information

Twine looks like a bird's nest

Take care with your spools before use, they are fragile. In order for the twine to run smoothly from the start to the very end, the spools must not be damaged or ‘shocked’ (dropped or crushed), as this will disrupt the careful winding pattern inside and cause the spool to fall apart internally

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Twine Facts
Twine spool shape
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Twine spool size
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Twine correct alignment
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Twine alignment
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Twine joining
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Twine Baler Check
Twine box
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Twine tension settings
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Tension plates
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Tension rollers
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Twine guides
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Twine knotters
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Twine General Knowledge
Smooth spools every time
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Strength vs performance
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Are there different types of knotters?
Are there other materials that manufactures use to produce twine?
Does it matter how many flakes are in each bale?
How can I participate in recycling my used twine?
What is the difference between cost/pound, cost/bale and cost per 1,000 feet?
Which direction should twine unwind from a spool?
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